Iphigenia in Aulis (The Age of Bronze edition) is a collaboration between Edward Einhorn (translator/adaptor) and Eric Shanower (artist) in order to create a play on paper: an illustrated version of the play using the conventions of graphic novels, which allows the reader to envision how it might work as a staged production as they read.
The Iphigenia in Aulis podcast is an audio drama adaptation of the script, produced by Untitled Theater Company No. 61. It features most of the original cast of the original stage production. It is designed to be a companion to the book, but it can also be experienced alone. It is available on Apple, on Spotify, on Podbean, and on many other podcast hosts.

The original script was performed at La MaMa’s First Floor Theater in New York City, in February - March 2013.
This site contains supplemental information about the script, for those who have the book, as well as sections of the script itself. If you want to read the full script, I would ask you to either buy the book or contact me about a performance inquiry. I am glad to make the script available to those considering performance.
I should note: there is more than one version of the script, and this website includes pieces of all of them.
There are three versions of each chorus: One is a fairly direct translation. That version is available in the book and does not appear on this website. One uses lyrics that I wrote as a substitute for the translation. And one uses lyrics that were adapted by Aldo Perez to go with his rock music for the production. Those choruses are copyrighted by him and should not be used without his permission.
You will also see occasional alternative lines for chorus members in the text. In the actual production, we decided to give the chorus a more consciously contemporary feel. Both the more classic or contemporary versions are available for use. The site color codes the script for clarity, as explained on the main script page. Further information about the process is in the translation notes. Thematic information can be found in my original Director’s Note.
I hope you enjoy reading the play.